WOODTRADE ASIA is a company with more than 20 years in the furniture business. We are based in Ho Chi Minh City, South Vietnam.
IN VIETNAM, we started our business in 1999. Over these years we have developed a long and trustworthy relationship with our customers and suppliers.
WOODTRADE ASIA is currently working with importers, furniture groups, and online shops, which demands flexibility with products and materials, knowledge of internet packaging, an effective quality control system, and low MOQs with shipments just in time.
We are constantly developing new products together with our customers, following in detail all their requirements.
WOOODTRADE ASIA team is an expert with Indoor furniture, assembled and knock down, offering a great diversity of Colonial and Modern furniture styles, with special finishes.
WOODTRADE ASIA supplies Outdoor furniture, made out of solid wood with special finishes and products made out of metal/aluminum frames with wicker (Poly-Rattan), with a large diversity of products.
Contact us for more information at mj@woodtrade-asia.com and we will arrange our best offers, trustworthy suppliers, an excellent quality level, and delivery just in time.
Thanks a lot for your attention ​
Yours Sincerely